
DIWALI Lakshmi PoojaN 

Special Program on Diwali 4th November (3:00 PM onwards)

Lakshmi Poojan - Sunday, 7th November 2021 (10:00 AM to 12:30 PM)

Sunday November 7th 2021 10:30 a.m. -12:30 p.m. Pooja will be conducted by Dr Suresh Kalagnanam. Sponsorship is $51/family and all devotees who sponsored will receive a gift and a Temple Calendar. Payment can be made by e-transfer at  hindusocietyofsaskatchewan@gmail.com or donate online at  https://www.slntemple.ca/. or  click Please indicate "Lakshmi Pooja 2021" when sponsoring/donating.

Please fill the online form to RSVP for Lakshmi puja to help us better organize the event