Founders and Supporter Statement

The Hindu Society of Saskatchewan (HSS) is a volunteer-run organization, and the community is grateful to the founders for their vision of building a beautiful place of worship in the prairies for current and future generations. Their vision was brought to life several decades ago through their valuable time, generous donations and unmatched effort. 

The Hindu Society only exists and continues to thrive, thanks to our pioneers, your benevolent donations and the continued volunteer support.

Please see our website's brief history at

The society is committed to long-term recognition of the donations given and volunteer contributions. We are grateful to the members that participated in the AGM open forum on April 23rd, 2023. To show its thanks for the members' votes, the board has taken the following actions to honour all contributions.

Apart from these methods, we have also initiated plans to recognize donors and volunteers on a quarterly basis. 

Founders: without our founders’ vision and initial extraordinary hard work, we would not have HSS's Shri Lakshmi Narayan Temple as place of worship



Because of the magnitude and rise in donor count, as well as inconsistencies in recognizing contributions throughout the years, the aforementioned steps are being taken as per approval at the AGM. The future is digital.